Why Mr. Right May Not See You As "Miss Right" & Keep Things Casual

How To Ignite Emotional Attraction In The Man You Really Want & Make Him Chase YOU For A Commitment

Dear Friend Looking For Love,

I have a few questions I’d like to run by you.

 I’d like to know if you can relate to any of them.

Have you ever met a great guy who just wanted to keep things casual?

You met a really down to earth, attractive guy, developed a great connection and matched emotionally. 

You looked forward to starting a relationship with him, but as time went by and he never asked to take things to a serious level, it started bothering you.

You started wondering if he was just using you for sex, or if there was another woman in the picture.

You felt caught up in not being “just friends” but not in a relationship.

Maybe you decided to “have the talk” with him. 

But to your shock, he backed off and said things like “I don’t have time for a relationship” or worse “I don’t have romantic feelings for you.”

You felt frustrated, used and hurt.

Afterward, his text and calls slowly stopped.

You knew in your heart there was something you could have done to give him the feeling of WANTING love with you, but you didn’t know how.

Do men act "hot & cold" with you?

You start dating a great guy, get closer, and end up having (great) sex.

You feel an instant connection and see yourself in a relationship with him, but before you know it, he disappears.

No calls, no texts…

Then days or weeks later, he pops up again as if he never left.

This happened repeatedly and things never changed with him.

You hoped someday he’d ask you to be his girlfriend, but he never did.

Do the men you really want often not feel the same about you?

You lack the confidence that comes with knowing you are completely irresistible to the type of high quality guy you really want.

Maybe you tend to end up with guy friends but not many high quality men who are banging your door down to date you seriously.

You want a love story with an amazing guy but have difficulty with men coming into your life and loving you for you.

Good men walk out of your life, and you miss your opportunities.

You worry if you’re truly pretty, successful, young enough etc. enough for your “Mr. Right”.

Perhaps you’ve dated an attractive guy in the past who used you and threw you away.

They have always felt somewhat out of reach to you and you don’t know what to do about it.

Have you ever loved a guy but didn't know how to tell him and let the opportunity of being with him slip away?

You feared him just smiling and saying something like “I’m flatter, but I’m not looking for a girlfriend right now”.

You liked him, maybe even for a long time. Perhaps he was a coworker, a classmate, or a friend of a friend.

Some women can’t talk to the guy they like because they’re too shy. 

Other women are too afraid to mess up a friendship whether long-term or new acquaintance. 

The problem is, you don’t know how to communicate with men on that special level where attraction, love and romance bloom.

If You Answered “Yes” To Any Of These Questions. . .

If you don't know how to make Mr. Right, the guy who's everything you want in a man, feel an EMOTIONAL connection when you meet him, then he's not going to see you as "girlfriend material" and look right past you.

Most women don’t consider this a possibility.

Well, it’s a REALITY for many, many women.

Hollywood give us the idea that “the one” will accept all of our flaws, and match us completely and we don’t have to do anything. Just let “fate” take it’s course.

But what if Mr. Right comes when you’re not ready?

What if he’s looking for specific qualities in a woman that you haven’t developed yet or lost touch with?

Well, that’s when most women get dead-end excuses from guys like:

The truth is, women get these responses for specific reasons that he’s not saying.

Men often give excuses like these because they’re afraid to hurt women’s feelings.

Look, you’re not “doomed” to be single forever.

It doesn’t have to be this way *even if the guy is already said these things*.

But you must understand this.

For the small amount of women who understand what men really look for when single and know what to do to make him open his heart to love, men will drop everything to make a relationship happen.

He won’t give excuses. 

He won’t makes things difficult.

Things will be effortless.

These blocks happen because of a lack of knowledge about what makes men EMOTIONALLY ATTRACTED and want a relationship.

This simple lack of knowledge leads women to approach men the WRONG way and accidentally make men not “feel it”.

But right now, your fate is about to change.

I’m going to show you the exact steps to make Mr. Right emotionally attracted to you and chase YOU for a relationship.

Even if you’ve been dealing with challenges with men for years.

How Do I Understand These Problems?

Because I’ve been in all of these situations… but from the guy’s side.

And I’m not “proud” of that by any means.

I’ll admit. I’ve broken hearts the past.

Hopefully I’m not coming off like a jerk here, but I’ve had great women want to date me who I just didn’t want to date.

One woman was very wealthy.

She would buy me bouquets of rose and send it to my condo… no word of lie!

She would also send boxes of chocolate, big twenty pound bags of exotic fruits and give me wads of cash without me even asking.

She was also “connected” and made little things happen for me that made life easier, like getting documents passed in minutes that should have taken months.

She was a great woman. But at the end of the day, I just didn’t “feel it” for her. I eventually told her we had to stop seeing each other. Needless to say she didn’t take it very well.

Another women I dated was a model.

She got paid big bucks to promote parties and just stand there looking stunning. She looked like Natalie Portman with “elf” ears.

Eventually she wanted more commitment with me, but unfortunately I turned her down because, again, I wasn’t feeling it.

But then I’d end up dating women who were “average” looking, much older or younger than me, a bit overweight, not well educated or rich and find myself feeling it with them.

And you know what?

Most of the thousands of guys who I’ve talked to over the years agree.

So the big question is:

Why didn’t I have the “right feelings” with women who seemed like they were “everything a man should want”?

And why was I happier with seemingly “average” type women?

The answer is…

The story our culture paints of men and what men ACTUALLY respond to emotionally and energetically are two separate stories.

And most of today’s women don’t know what men respond to EMOTIONALLY.

If a man FEELS that special bond of emotion for a woman, almost NOTHING on the outside matters.

The outside only starts to matters when he’s not feeling it inside.

These were things that I was previously unaware of, and most guys too. Most men aren’t able to have an honest conversation about what makes them feel emotional level attraction because they simply don’t know.

Most women Want Your Mr. Right... & That's The Problem

Look, I know that you want a high quality guy.

And it’s not about his looks, height or wealth (although it doesn’t hurt).

It’s about his heart, attitude, strength, honesty, confidence and playfulness that makes him high quality.

It’s also about his ability to understand women and what they want.

The problem is, all men aren’t created equal.

As I’m sure you know, most men are kinda stupid, kinda dishonest, kinda emotionally imbalanced, kinda weak and kinda obsessed with sex.

Okay, maybe not kinda…

But seriously, 90% of women are fighting for 10% of the men.

That’s like a room of 100 women all fighting for just 10 guys.

The odds are stacked against you.

But if you knew how to SEPARATE yourself from the herd and send Mr. Right signals that trigger him EMOTIONALLY to feel love and excitement over you, then he would choose YOU and ONLY you no other woman.

Download "Single Him No More, Make Him All Yours!"

Make Mr. Right Want To Start A Relationship With ONLY You

Four hours of powerful audio content, exercises and information to help you get the relationship you want and deserve.

Why Today's Men Are “Wishy-Washy” About Relationships

Many nice, smart and beautiful women get cold responses from men and end up staying single.

Or worse…. they end up in “are we or aren’t we?” situations where they’re sleeping with the guy but he never asks to get exclusive.

This drives many women crazy and keeps them up at night obsessing about a guy.

It can happen to any woman, even intelligent & beautiful women like yourself.

He shows you how much you mean to him, but then he does something like not return your texts for hours.

Or disappear for days, or even weeks or months.

Women end up in situations like this because the guy doesn’t feel that special feeling that will make him want a relationship.

The truth is, if men aren’t pursuing you and asking you for a relationship, then you’re not pushing him “over the hump” from wanting fun to something serious. 

When a guy meets a woman who knocks him off his feet, he will do everything in his power to make her his, even if he’s a “player”, focused on his career, or has life drama.

What it comes down to is…

He's looking for specific qualities that trigger him to commit... and a lack of specific qualities he wants to avoid.

You may be as beautiful and successful as Angelina Jolie.

But if you lack the specific qualities men look for while sending signals that tell him your not “girlfriend material”, then you’ll get the same distant energy from men that most other women get.

You won’t stand out as “special” to him.

In many ways, guys are like dogs (no not like that;)).

What I mean is, they can change their mind instantly about a woman if they get inspired to feel a new way about her.

In fact, many guys out there end up with women who they felt resistant to but *later changed their mind*.

It’s possible to flip that “switch” in a man’s mind to make him to want to connect with you on a deeper, emotional and spiritual level.

4 Mistakes Women Make When Meeting & Dating Men

Through coaching thousands of women over the last decade and from personal dating experience, I’ve found that most single women make four big mistakes that stop men from developing feelings and wanting a relationship.

These mistakes are so destructive that they often erase a man’s attraction and disappear.

Let’s get into it.

Insecurity While Single

Dealing with the insecurity of being single is one of the toughest parts of being single.

Insecurity can cause us to doubt ourselves, be overly-sensitive, and cause us to take fear-based actions when we feel someone isn’t treating us the way we want.

For example, when a man doesn’t text back for a long time, most women get upset.

When he finally does text back, many women want to “give him a taste of his own medicine” so she doesn’t text back longer!

The problem with this is, he will either feel “weird” and let go of the initial “spark” he had for her… or “call her bluff” and keep doing what made her upset… making her anxiety worsen and make more mistakes.

Fear-based games like these end up destroying a man’s connection with a woman.

As “emotionless” as men can seem, they’re quite sensitive to women’s energy.

Another way insecurity ruins women’s love lives is, some women get into a mode of trying to push men and love out of their lives out of frustration.

Some women convince themselves that they “don’t need a man” when secretly they still deeply long for love.

Most woman are actually not ready to bring Mr. Right into her life her fears about the relationship not working out or ending up single again will cause a self-fulfilling prophecy that makes men “get confused” and lose interest.

Not Sparking Desire For A Relationship

Most women know that men don’t just want a pretty face but easily forget this fact when face-to-face with a man.

Fact is, most women simply don’t know what causes today’s men to open up and respond emotionally.

Many women get fixated on their own fears around his behaviors (i.e. not texting often, disappearing) and consequently never take the right actions that inspire men to want a relationship.

Men have four distinct levels of attraction: the physical, emotional, psychological, and psychic spiritual levels.

Typically, you need at least 3 out of 4 to make him want a relationship.

Physical attraction is easy. If he’s even talking to you, he’s physically attracted.

But most women fail to create emotional, psychological or spiritual desire in men.

In fact, many women do things to kill a man’s deeper attraction without even realizing it.

For example, many women over-pursue when they really like a guy, which can actually push the guy right out of her life. Most men are repelled by needy looking behaviors, even if you’re not needy.

The truth is, most women spark interest in men completely by accident.

Then, by the time he has spent time with her and realized she doesn’t have most or any of the qualities he wants longterm, he’s gone.

If you don’t know exactly how to spark emotional, psychological and spiritual attraction in a man, nine times out of ten you’ll lose him.

Using Jealousy & "Hard To Get"

Most women mistakenly believe that making men jealous causes men to chase.

I’ve talked to hundreds of men on this topic, and most men will literally RUN AWAY from women who they think are trying to make him jealous or is “talking” with other men.

For most men, what they see up front is how things will be in the future and will bail at the sign of this red flag.

Deep down, most women use jealousy or play “hard to get” because they don’t feel enough to attract the guy on their own.

They feel like they need a “crutch’ to make the guy chase, because there are so many other women who are younger, prettier, skinnier etc.

But they don’t understand that these games actually drive high quality, confident men away.

Most women are shit scared of getting hurt.

But most women don’t actually realize how men react emotionally to jealousy and aloofness.

When Mr. Right gets a dose of jealous or “hard to get”, instead of chasing, he will back up.

That’s because these are fear based behaviors, and high quality men have seen these behaviors before… because almost ALL woman do it.

Men don’t want to end up with a woman who will manipulate him with jealous and other games for attention…. so they actively avoid these women.

This is how many women push away Mr. Right without realizing it.

It can be as simple as, “He’s not going to call me? Ok, then I’m not going to call him.”

Many dating “experts” prey on this fear women have and tell women that guys “like it” when they play games.

The reality is, when quality men feel a tugging in their gut from a woman who is playing a game with them, they may end up leaving.

"The Talk" Gone Wrong

When feeling confused, emotional or out of sorts about a situation, many women want to know “what are we?”

That’s when they make the mistake of rushing into having “the talk”.

But without knowing it, by having the talk on this fear-based level of trying to “secure” a relationship that hasn’t yet developed yet, they virtually ruin any chance of starting a real relationship.

The simple reason is because this makes men feel pressured and stressed about committing, and this is not what you want him to feel…. because, again, MOST women do this.

You lump yourself into the group of “all other women” when you do this.

What I think you really want is for him to feel INSPIRED about wanting to start a relationship with you.

But how most women handle “the talk” and commitment puts men on the spot. It forces him to either make up an excuse or tell you that he’s not ready for a relationship altogether.

When a man is ready, he will let you know. “The talk” is often completely unnecessary and overrated.

The bottomline is, if you feel the need to “have the talk”, chances are you won’t get the answer you want… because there shouldn’t be a “need” to have a talk.

Things should flow effortlessly, and you should feel comfortable with how things are going.

If you feel the need to have the talk, it means that other things are not happening correctly, and it’s those things that need attention.

But don’t despair if you have done this because there is a way out.

how make men Go From "Playing The Field" To Committing

I hope you’re starting to get that men don’t emotionally respond to shiny, round body parts, a “sassy, independent personality” to want a relationship.

As much as a good woman you may be,, you must inspire him on a psychological, emotional and psychic-spiritual level to want a relationship.

Many of today’s women have extreme trouble with this.

A woman who is “relationships material” has special qualities that most woman don’t.

If she reveals that she HAS these qualities, he WILL think “relationship” with little pink hearts in his eyes.

But most women today simply don’t trigger this feeling in most high quality guys and wind up in a causal situation…. or worse… no man at all.

What Men Really want When Dating A woman

There’s one thing that must change if a woman wants to make a man want a relationship.

Her mindset and attitude about dating.

This affects more than most women want to believe.

You must move from insecurity, fear of the future, or the pain that has been caused by men’s brainless actions in the past, and move onto a new path.

It’s time to let go of old negative feelings and get an inspired, deliberate plan of action.

It’s time to get motivated and allow yourself to see your dream come true of making this relationship happen and leaving behind this old period of your life.

Moving From Single Or “Friends With Benefits” To Real Relationship

For some women, knowing what to do as they move along from being single to dating a guy and then into a relationship comes from easily and naturally.

This isn’t the case with every woman today.

A lot of that has to do with the fact that our current dating climate and what is expected of us is very, very confusing.

Things are far from the age of chivalry, dating for months before having sex, and where it was “okay” to be honest about your feelings.

We have to adapt to the new climate or end up lonely.

But I know the kind of women I teach feel weird about “changing” into some superficial shallow girl just to attract all the boy.

The way I’ve discovered for women is so great because it allows you to be the deepest version of yourself and attract men into relationships at the same time.

Yes, this can be done!

And here is my answer.

You don't have to Stay single... Make a man All Yours!

It’s my goal to end the problems that you’re facing with meeting, dating and starting relationships with today’s men.

I believe many of the problems you face with men are NEW problems of the 21st century that women have never seen in all of history.

These are challenges that most women and their family and friends are also at a loss with themselves no matter how hard they try to show otherwise.

With that in mind, I felt it was my duty to bring light into this confusing part of history between men and women.

So that’s why I finally decided to created a program for single women dealing with these problems with today’s men.

I wanted to bring the best information forward that no one else was talking about.

My program is called “Single No More, Make Him All Yours”, because it’s all about knowing how to make a man want a relationship.

It’s my answer to your toughest challenges about being single, dating men and moving past dating and getting a guy into a real relationship.

Details About Single No More, Make Him All Yours

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Attracting Men

Section 3 - Qualifying Men

Section 4 - Meeting Men

Section 5 - Getting Serious

Section 6 - Games vs. Integrity

Section 7 Q&A - Moving Away From Being Alone

Section 8 Q&A - Moving Away From Abuse

Section 9 Q&A - Attracting Highly Desirable Men

Section 10 - The Talk

Section 11 - Respect Building

And much, much more....

How Is This Program Different Than All Of The Others?

Let’s stop the hype-train for a second.

There are many books and programs out there all promising to give you a better love life.

So, what is so special about this program?

Let me give you a few reason, because I believe in this program and I want you to believe that it can give you the relationship you want (if you are committed to seeing results).

I warn you not to cringe too much, because this is the section where I “toot my own horn” and stroke my ego for a bit.

No Games, Tricks Or Manipulations In This Program

I rarely find dating advice that doesn’t teach women to play some game or another.


Because most dating “gurus” don’t know how to create things like true love, attraction and intimacy without the “crutch” of games.

I’ve come to find that most women don’t like the feeling of being dishonest and playing games.

It’s actually not necessary to play games with men to get them to love you. In most, if not all, situations games or can be counterproductive.

So, it’s for these reasons that I don’t and will never teach games in any of my programs.

I’m happy to say, I get a level of respect and admiration from my students that not many other dating and relationship coaches get, and for that I’m extremely grateful.

This program will Show you What The Guys You're Really Attracted to Want

In many ways, I’m probably similar to the guy you want to date.

And if I’m not, I’ve interviewed a guy like him, because I’ve talked to many, many guys learning about their dating preferences and needs.

While there are intelligent female “dating gurus” out there, they often don’t deliver a solid understanding of the male mind.

While male relationship experts often lack understanding of the psycho/spiritual underpinnings of male and female connections.

Most "Effective" Advice Out There Came From Me

I won’t point fingers or blow my up my ego (much), but my material has been copied and plagiarized time and again since I’ve been giving dating and relationship advice. I have a large following, and with that comes copy cats.

But I’m not mad at all about it because truth is truth, and the more truth there is out there, the better. It’s up to you where you get your information from, but personally speaking, I’m always interested in going to the source.

This Program Is More Comprehensive Than Other Programs

I think you’ll find after listening to this program, especially if you’ve listen to and enjoyed my other programs, that you just simply learn much more about deeper level things than you ever have about how to be successful with dating men.

You’re just simply going to learn more about men, male psychology and how to be the woman who will attract a high caliber man into your life.

Let's Start This Journey Together

After going through this program, you’re going to have a much deeper concept of how to attract an amazing man into your life, get out of a “friends with benefits situation or stuck in casual dating situation and move into a real relationship.

To be honest, it’s not rocket science at all.

I think it’s easy for many people to sit back and want what we want, but it’s a more rare individual who actually takes the actions to get what they want.

And with this program, rest assure the right actions are in here.

You just simply need the commitment to say “Ok, I’m going to do what it takes to get my love life successful because it is extremely important to me.”

You just have to ask yourself, how much is your love life really worth to you?

I could have easily charged upwards of $250 for this program.

That seems to be the going rate, if you know what I mean.

But I truly want make sure this program is affordable and that whatever struggles you’re going through with men can end here.

That’s why I’ve priced this program at just 5 payments of $19.97, or 1 payment of $99.85 (USD).

Try "Single No More, Make Him All Yours" Today

Make A Man Want To Start A Relationship With You

It’s time to get inspired that you can make the relationship you long for happen.

The frustration you feel will be replaced with a feeling of “I am worthy of love, I can do anything I set my mind to” especially when you have him by your side.

You’re love life is about to become relaxed, cuddly, warm, and you’re about to start enjoying life so much much more.

But in order for that to start, you must take a step from simply wanting it to being committed to getting it.

When you find that commitment inside, inspiration will take over to getting the experience with a man you deserve.

I can virtually guarantee that if you implement the material in this program as I describe, you will quickly see men open up to you and have strong desire to be your boyfriend.

Take the next step. Commit to your success, and I’ll be there the whole way through holding your hand.

Choose your payment option below to get started on your journey now.

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Yes, take me inside my ex boyfriend's mind