A Secret "Energy" To Save Your Relationship With Him

Read On To Make Him Love You More Than Ever Before

by Brandon Martin

by Brandon Martin

Author of the best selling Become His Goddess

If you’re like many of the amazing women I’ve coached…

Your man has been pulling away physically, emotionally and energetically.

Your gut knows something is wrong.

You’ve been trying to regain control of the relationship.

But he no longer:

You know…. Like he used to.

Look, I know this may not be your proudest moment.

But the thing, is I bet…

He Used To Be Completely Addicted To You

Aren’t I right?

He always made plans to see you and couldn’t get enough of you… Not just physically but emotionally and spiritually.

And why wouldn’t he?

You’re a beautiful and sophisticated woman.

(I know because I attract the best students in the world!)

And it wasn’t just his love that made you feel so blissful.

It was also the feeling of control over your life and knowing friends and family admired you (or were secretly jealous).

But He Changed

That amazing connection with him suddenly started slipping away.

I bet if you tried talking with him about it, he gave you excuses or acted like you were “nagging” him.

Did you know?

Behavioral scientists recently found that men repress emotions more than women.

Hmm. Took them this long to figure that out?

But seriously, saying it’s “difficult” emotionally to handle a man like this is an understatement.

Especially when you’re left always guessing why he’s acting like a jerk or what to do about it.

Many women end up making excuses for men, like:

Does this sound familiar to you?


I think if you’re really honest with yourself… 

Save Your Relationship Now

Beneath your strong exterior, you have a scared sinking feeling that comes from not knowing how to get the love from him you really want and deserve.

Even if he is acting like a jerk.

You’re worried your “energetic” emotional connection with him is fading.

Your gut knows something is wrong.

You’ve worked hard on this relationship making it “perfect”.

You tried helping him open up about his feelings… but he got defensive.

Now you’re left feeling lonely, hurt, confused…

And worried that your bond with him, and the bright, secure future he offered you is slipping away.

You’re frustrated that everything you try to bring back that special connection hasn’t really panned out.

Maybe your friends have said “you can do better” .

But no matter how frustrated you are…

He's your “one and only” & means everything to you

Secretly, you’re worried you’re doing something to make him pull away.

Well, the reality is…

If you don’t do something to re-ignite his loving bond with you,

And know how to drive him wild with passionate desire for you and ONLY you…

He’ll likely grow more distant until he eventually leaves.

I’m not trying to scare you, but the reality most women don’t know how to keep a man deeply in love long into a relationship.

BUT (a big but[t]).

If you use this priceless secret I’m about to share with you about male psychology and “energy”, you can dramatically amplify your man’s level of commitment, love and ravenous desire for you.

This secret (most women don’t know) will immediately put YOU back into his focus and give you back the sexual confidence you may have felt you’ve been losing.

If you’re skeptical, good, You should be!

You must be your own “guru”.

But with that said, I think you’re about to learn something incredibly valuable.

The question I pose to you is this:

How do you KEEP a man in love like the fairytale beginning long into the future?

Without the games, headache or heartbreak?

The answer is…

If you could understand why he emotionally bonded with you in the first place

And the inner mechanisms of his mind, heart and masculine soul…

I can virtually guarantee you will instantly shift your man’s “energy” into deep love, closeness and affection for you…And even get him “addicted” to you more than he’s ever been with any woman before.

Why His Emotional Distance Is NOT Your Fault

If you have been blaming yourself for his distant energy, you don’t have to.

You deserve as many cuddles as you can handle (until you literally kick him off when you’ve had enough, like a cat).

This relationship “soup” you’re in is the result of many factors.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a little love and to enjoy a deep heart connection with the man you love.

But the good news is this.

I’ve coached literally tens of thousands of women often in “can’t believe how bad that is” situations with men.

I have traveled the world teaching women these secrets to filled rooms.

And I’ve been showing women how to regain control of their love lives by getting their men more deeply in love, available, communicative and affection than even the start of a relationship.

I don’t mean to “toot my horn” (too much), but I’ve seen miracles many times.

Don’t believe me just yet. I want you to SEE it for yourself.

Who am I?


My name is Brandon.

I may look young (my secret is mangos. Lots of mangos).

But for the past 14 years I’ve taught women from housewives, surgeons to rockstars, how to get a man emotionally connected, affectionate, devoted and head-over-heels in love.

Even if he’s pulling away emotionally…

Or has gotten cold, distant or always “annoyed”…

Even if there’s another woman.

I’ve learned it’s possible for ANY woman, no matter her age, color or creed to get more love, energetic connection, and attention than they’ve ever known.

Even in messy situations where a man is pulling away, or falling out of love and there’s “no way” to bring him back…

With the right information.

I have seen unbelievable transformations.

His Emotional "Great Wall"

I bet you’ve been thinking a lot about:

Many women blame themselves if a man pulls away, shuts down or gets distant.

That’s because they end up getting responses from men like:

Or worse – he’s meeting another woman.

You end up broken and feeling out of control repeating his words in your head for days, or even years.

But I believe your situation is about to take a dramatic shift for the better starting right now.

Let’s talk about that “secret” I mentioned before about re-igniting his love, openness and commitment for you and only you.

The Secret “Energy” To Re-Ignite His Love For you

I’m going to reveal to you the secret energy that will instantly grab your man’s attention back.

When you show him this special energy, it will leave him no choice but to start giving you his love again, and you’ll feel loved to your core and in control of how men respond to you.

Most importantly, you’ll feel proud of yourself for getting the love you deserve.

After you consistently use it, you’ll draw more attention, affection, calls, texts and sparkling, loving glances from your man.

No matter your situation.

I call this secret Goddess Energy.

Many women think they need a magical, jealousy triggering “technique” that’ll make his jaw drop.

This is a classic mistake that ends up sparking more fights and less love and can even make a good man leave.

The truth is, I believe a holistic approach that fixes each relationship issue from the core will free you from this painful situation.

Goddess Energy is all about reclaiming your sexual power by showing him how things will now be because you fulfill the core reasons he longs for love in his heart.

What I call a “Goddess” fulfills a man on his biological, psychology, emotional and spiritual levels.

This allows him to open up & "let go" to loving you Deeply

Most women have sprinkles of Goddess energy early on but eventually lose it.

They were unaware of what they were doing right!

Instead, they end up getting confused by all of his behaviors, and start over-analyzing everything he does asking:

“What does it mean when he said this? What does it mean when he did that?”


This is where most women end up hurt, confused and start making mistakes.

Look, I believe your man still loves you no matter how it may seem.

I know what you’re thinking.

He’s stupid if that’s true…

But seriously, the reason why he hasn’t been giving you his full heart is because he’s keeping it hidden.

Men do this when they find themselves with a woman who stopped being the “goddess” he thought she was.

Look, I know you’re a smart, desirable woman.

That’s why you deserve this guy’s intense love every day you’re together.

But to get that, you must make these specific changes to your approach to him or you never will.

Most women, unknowingly communicate to men they’re not “girlfriend material” by making subtle mistakes in the moments that shape a man’s feelings about a woman.

Many men end up seeing qualities in women that make them “run for the hills” (as my guy friend so delicately puts it).

But then there are extremely rare, “Goddess” qualities most women aren’t aware of that men are hypnotized by.

The secret to becoming a Goddess with your man is to create an ongoing positive emotional experience with him.

Many women think they already do this.

But without knowing it, they never do the things MEN are looking for energetically.

Instead, many women do what they think men want but that men don’t actually emotionally crave.

In fact, she may start displaying behaviors that give him a negative emotional experience.

It IS Possible To Save Your Relationship With him

There’s much more you must know about making your man fall deeply in love again, and long into the future.

What you really need to make this happen is a full education of male psychology, emotions and “energy” in relationships.

AND what inspires men to give the love, attention and connection most women want but struggle to get.

What I’d like to do is send you an incredibly valuable, completely free report I’ve created called:

Inside Your Man’s Mind

My gift to you. 

Inside, you’ll learn how to make your man deeply emotionally attracted and bonded to you and only you.

And avoid specific mistakes 98% of women make that motivate men to pull away.

I guarantee my secrets are THE most enlightening secrets about men you’ll find anywhere.

Imagine what it’s going to feel like having that much love in your love life?

I’m not here to waste your time. I’m here to show you the path.

In a matter of weeks, you’ll feel like you’re walking on clouds.

Unfortunately most “experts” have no clue about about these.

All you have to do is tap the pink button and enter your first name and email so I can send it to you right now.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side

Save Your Relationship Now

Brandon Martin, Author Of Relationship Goddess

Relationship Advice For Women

Make Men Fall & Stay In Love With You Forever

Secrets About Male Psychology & Heart You Won't Find Anywhere Else

   Brandon Martin
Author of
   Relationship Goddess

Make Men Fall & Stay In Love Forever

3 Ways To Know If You’re High Maintenance In A Relationship

How To Know If You Are Too "High Maintenance" For A Guy In A Relationship & What To Do About It...

relaxed non-high maintenance woman enjoying with man on the beach

Many women  secretly ask themselves the question “Am I too high maintenance in relationships?”


When a man calls a woman “high maintenance” it carries a pretty negative connotation, doesn’t it?


But what does it really mean when a man calls a woman high maintenance in dating and relationships? Is it important to pay attention to?


The answer, quite simply, is yes.




Because most men avoid relationships with “high maintenance” women at all costs.

And they will even pull away from a woman right in the middle of a relationship once he realizes she is high maintenance…. even if he was initially very attracted to that woman!


For most men, “high maintenance” often describes a woman who men feel stressed about making happy.


The raw truth is, most men prefer to meet and stay with women who are low maintenance.


Today, I’m going to show you if you are too high maintenance in relationships, how and why men avoid high maintenance women and what you can do about it.


So, if you want the very most love, attention and affection from the man you love, then you absolutely must pay attention to what I’m about to say.

1. Men Can’t Relax & Be Themselves In A Relationship With A High Maintenance Woman

Many “high maintenance” women feel never truly satisfied with the amount love, attention, and affection a particular man gives.


So, how do you know if it’s you or him who is really at fault?


The answer is in how you act on those feelings.


A high maintenance woman has little problem thinking that the guy is the problem.

From there, she will likely:

Basically, this allows high maintenance women to blame him for her bad feelings.

Relationships can be tough, especially when a guy isn’t giving you the love, attention or appreciation that you really want.


But if you allow yourself to do these things, you will eventually push the guy out of your life.


All of this allows a high maintenance woman to blame the guy for her feelings… regardless if she’s actually right or not.


The problem is, this causes men to never feel like they can truly relax around you in the relationship.


They feel like they’re walking on eggshells. They’re always prepared for what you will next be upset at him for…. regardless of whether he actually screwed up or not.


So, you’ll find yourself “forcing” him to give you love, attention, appreciation etc. as if he doesn’t really want to.


Fact is, most women blame guys believing he “must not care enough” without realizing the pressure she is putting on him.


Look, men CAN be very inconsiderate idiots at times. I get that.


But, when you put pressure on a man to give you love and attention, you’re setting yourself up for a failed relationship.


This will lead him to feel like he doesn’t “match” with you and pull away… or even leave.


And he will start to think things like “I don’t know if I can make her happy.” or “She might be better off with someone else.”


So, if you ever hear a guy say things like this, watch out because it’s “code” for “I’m checking out of this relationship”.

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2. “High Maintenance” Is Neediness Disguise, Which Is Unattractive To Men

At the core of a high maintenance woman is neediness for attention and insecurity.


Hear me out before jumping on me for saying that!


How high maintenance women tend to cover up their fears is by focusing on getting the attention of a man. Basically, she hopes he gives her unconditional love and attention.


If she doesn’t get that attention, she may blame him… for not loving her enough and take out her frustration on the relationship.


This is actually a sign of neediness.


But the problem is, most men find neediness emotionally and psychologically unattractive.


Look. Many women appreciate their own beauty, success or status. But *very few* love themselves unconditionally regardless of appearance or accomplishments.


It’s okay to want approval from your man. But the problem is overly-needy women often blame or antagonize their boyfriends for not caring enough about her.


I get it. Men can often act aloof or distant in relationships.


But I’ve actually heard men say they will “run for the hills” when they see neediness.


So the point is, you must understand how to deal with your insecurities with men or you could end up pushing him away without even knowing what happened.


That is, if you want to make men really crave a relationship with you, you must learn to let go the neediness that many high maintenance women have.


Thing is, it’s not as difficult as it may seem if you go about it in the right way. 

3. Why Most Men Prefer Low Maintenance Women In Dating & Relationships

Here is a psychological fact about most men versus most women.


Many women are willing to sacrifice their time, money and energy to have something amazing… like a beautiful new dress, new car or a specular romance with a man who adores her.


But this is not necessarily true about most of today’s men.


On the contrary, many men prefer something that works smoothly, is “cost effective” and takes little time, energy or money to maintain.


This is why many women are attracted to a new Mercedes while many men are happy with a truck.


Or some guys are quite content put-putting around in a junker they’ve had for 20 years!


This logic very much applies to how men feel about relationships and women as well.

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Most men are looking for a low maintenance woman who doesn’t require excessive energy to make happy.

The reality is, if a man feels that a woman takes too much time, energy or money to make happy, he will likely feel “tired” from the relationship and grow distance.


He may even start “shopping” for a new girlfriend at that point.


And this is where you will hear some guys say things like “I don’t know if I can make her happy.”


If you have ever heard a man says this, he felt that you were too “high maintenance” for him and was feeling more stress than love from the relationship.


So, it would behoove you to learn how to be a “low maintenance” woman.


The truth is, ANY woman can learn how to do this even if she’s been high maintenance for her entire life.


If you’d like to start learning with me how to get more love, commitment, communication, connection and sexual fulfillment with men… All you need to do is enter your first name and a valid email in the purple box below.

That’s the box to get onto my free Male Psychology eLetter list.

And I’ll send you emails every few days with the latest research and deep understanding about finding and keeping a man happy and fulfilled in a relationship.



Creator of Yintegrity.com and author of the best selling eBook "Relationship Goddess"

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Relationship Advice For Women

Brandon Martin, Author Of Relationship Goddess

Relationship Advice For Women

Make Men Fall & Stay In Love With You Forever

Secrets About The Male Heart You Won't Find Anywhere Else

“I Cheated On My Boyfriend”: Here’s What To Do To Stay Sane

You're About To Learn What To Do To Keep Your Sanity And Relationship If You Cheated On Your Boyfriend

i cheated on my boyfriend or husband

“I cheated on my boyfriend… now what am I going to do?”


You’re likely reading this because you cheated on your boyfriend or husband and now you feel overwhelmed with guilt and want to tell him.


You want to tell him the truth, but you are scared shitless to lose him over it and have no idea what to do.

If you’re like many of the women I have coached, your relationship is in not good right now, and you don’t know how to find a way out of this mess. Well, today, I’m going to show you how to get out of it.

When you go to your boyfriend to tell him you have cheated on him, you have to do so very, very carefully!

The good news is, if you go about things in the right way, many men will be receptive to the truth (within reason), and will not leave you over it.


In fact, if you handle telling him the truth about cheating on him the right way, it can ultimately cause you two to become closer than ever before.


But let’s not be “fairytale” about it. Feelings will get hurt. Ego will get hurt.


But there is much you can do to mitigate the damage to your relationship with your boyfriend or husband and ensure a better outcome to the story, which I will be sharing with you in this article.


What are my qualifications? 


Well, my name is Brandon Martin and I’ve been coaching women on the topics of men, dating and relationships for more than ten years at the time of this writing.


Aside from coaching women, I have been in two separate long-term relationships with women who ended up cheating… both I caught redhanded.


I’m not here to judge you about what you did. Just by you being here and reading, I respect that you are trying to fix the situation. 

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My disclaimer: this article is not to be take as “professional advice”. Think of this as for entertainment purposes only.


With that said, I know what works and what doesn’t with men if your goal is to KEEP your man after he finds out you cheated on him.


There are many mistakes that women make when they tell their boyfriend or husband the truth about their “extracurricular activities” and want to keep him.


In this article, I’m going to show you exactly how to tell your boyfriend or husband that you cheated to ensure the best outcome.

1. Not Showing Enough Remorse

I’ve discovered that when women either tell that they have cheated or get “found out”, strangely many women  rationalize WHY they cheated and either subtly or very overtly blame the guy for doing it.

I shouldn’t have to say this, but I will be clear.


Do not in any way blame him for cheating or rationalize why you did it (if your goal is to keep him in your life), no matter what he may have done to push you to cheat.


At the moment you confess, he may be overwhelmed with denial, upset feelings, anger and pain.  The last thing you want to do is intensify these feelings and throw gasoline on the fire by rationalizing why he did or blaming him.


As a side note, it’s extremely important that you keep your cool and don’t take anything negative he says personally.


The bottom line is, when you tell him, you need to show remorse. One thing that I’ll never forget when I found out one of my girlfriends cheated on me is she said with tears in her eyes “I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you”.


This one line stuck with me and I recommend saying something along similar line when you make your confession.

2. Blaming Him For Cheating

As I have already mentioned, blaming him for cheating or rationalizing why you cheated is a big no no.


At a later date, it may be possible to talk about the reasons behind why you cheated, but at the initial confession, there will be too many emotions.


Even if he asks you why, your answers should be along the lines of “there is no excuse for what I did”.


Many women, not being able to cope with what they have done and the guilt of hurting someone they love, they uncontrollably start deflecting and blaming to make themselves feel better.

3. Showing Too Much Remorse For Cheating

If you show too much remorse and you’re sobbing and crying and there’s snotting flying out of your nose, this is going take away from your attractiveness.


Before you tell your man you cheated, you absolutely must forgive yourself for doing it.


You must take time meditating on this until you can truly release at least most of the guilt you feel.


You must tell your man with calmness, strength, submission and a desire to do the right things.


You will sub-communicate all of these things when you have forgiven yourself and yet want to do the right thing and tell him the truth.


You’ll also have to do things like remind him that doing the right thing and telling the truth should be rewarded and not to punish you for coming forward.


You can only say such things if you have forgiven yourself to so extent.

5. Telling Him Too Many Details About The Affair

At the moment you tell him that you cheated, he will have many question.


A part of him will want to know details that will hurt him a lot.


It’s as if he wants to hurt more by knowing too much.


You can answer his questions, but I recommend that any “Is he bigger than me?” or  “Was he better than me?” type questions be answered with a firm “No”.


Remember, his ego will be shattered. This is just the reality that you must accept. So you need to take every measure to salvage his ego as best as possible without adding fuel to the fire.


All your answers should help tame the fire that is going to be unleashed.

4. Waiting Too Long To Tell Him You Cheated On Him

This is the part that a lot of women hate hearing, but the sooner you tell him “I cheated” the better.


Even if you know that you got away with cheating and there is no way he will ever find out, there are important reasons why waiting is a bad idea if you want a happy ending… and you want this situation to actually be an event that helps you to grow closer together.


The reason why waiting too long is a bad idea is simply because the guilt of cheating eats most women alive.


This guilt causes women to lash out and become “emotional” and unpredictable in the relationship which leads to fights, bickering, finger pointing, paranoia that he’s cheating too etc. etc. the decline of the relationship.


I have seen this many, many times both in women’s relationships who I coach and in my own personal relationships with women.


If I’m a betting man, I think you already are seeing this happen in your relationship.

Final Thoughts

This has been a brief overview of how to tell your man that you cheated.


But the truth is there is MUCH MORE you must understand about men and relationships to both tell him the truth in this situation AND ensure that your relationship is a process of growth from here on in.

That is why you need to sign up for my free eLetter down below where I will send you emails every few days with the best relationship and men advice you can find.


I wish you luck in your situation and I will see you in the eLetter.

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Achieving Success With Men & Love Through The Holidays

The holidays are often a time that breaks relationships.

In this video, I show you how to make the most of the holidays and avoid many of the common pitfalls that women end up in during the holidays.

These pitfalls often lead to strained relationship and even often breakups.

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The Boyfriend Blueprint Audio Program

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Click the play button below to listen to my thoughts on today’s extremely important issues of cheating, leaking sexual energy while in a relationship, flirting and infidelity. Listen to the end for SOLUTIONS to these difficult challenges.


*             *             *             *

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